Wednesday, 31 August 2011

How to set specified folder view to all Folder Views in windows XP and Vista?

Today tip will help you to manage the specified view of all folders in windows XP and Vista. By default, you have options to choose the view of folders contents as thumbnails, titles, icons, list or display with details. But this change will apply on the folders that you are currently working in. On the other hand, with the just few more clicks, you can change the view of all the folders on your computer.
Follow the given steps to accomplish this task through the Folder Options dialog box.
First of all open any folder, click "View" and choose the view you would most like to use.
Now from the Tools menu, click on Folder Options" to open the Folder Options dialog box.
Here on Folder Options dialog box, select the View tab.
At the top of the dialog box, click Apply to all folders button.
Now a new confirmation message will appear as "Set all the folders on your computer to match the current folders view settings (except for toolbars and folder task)? Change will occur the next time you open them."
Click OK in the Folder Options window to save the changes.
Now all the folders on your computer should display contents in your chosen view. As before, you can still change the view in individual folders via the "View" button.

Are You Ready for SP2 and why you install it

Windows XP's Service Pack 2 basically a windows update and it is very necessary to secure your windows XP from virus, worm and other security problems. Window's  XP SP2 are available on Microsoft site and ready to download without any cast. If you're ready to install this major OS update, you can check out the info at:

and find out how to get a hold of this important OS update. Download this file and install it, after installing restart your system. If you want to check SP2 installed or not then right click on "My Computer" then properties option for confirmation.


Do you own a web site that is continually failing to make you any money? Don't feel alone because 90% of the web sites on the internet are just like yours. So, what if I told you that you could earn money online, practically overnight!
You might not believe me but the facts are you can. I am about to show you 3 quick and easy steps to earn money online, fast.

These are proven techniques that will send fast cash into your bank account, even while you sleep. Put them to work for you and watch the money come rolling in.
Follow these 3 quick and easy steps and you will be able to earn money online like the pros. 

1. Market Someone Else's Product - If you have your own web site, or even if you don't, you can find an affiliate product that is relevant to your market and sell it for a commission. Many of these affiliate programs pay as much as a 75% commission on sales.

Here is an easy tactic you can use to sell your affiliate product. If you have your own site then put a text link in a highly visible area on your website. The middle of the page, top right, or bottom right seem to be prime web site real estate.

Make sure to use a text link instead of a banner, they convert better! When you write your text, do so in the form of a recommendation for the product. This technique usually works the best because the people that come to your website consider you an expert on your market.

Put more than one text link on your web pages. What draws the attention of one person may not another. So always write two to three text link ads and put them on various places on each of your web pages.

2. Use a Joint Venture to Jumpstart your Sales - Maybe you have a product but are new to the internet and don't have a list. You are interested in increasing your web site traffic and building your credibility to increase your sales. No problem, what you need to do is find someone in your niche market that has an established web site and a list of customers.

Use the search engines and references from other site owners to locate someone that might be interested in recommending your product to their customer list in return for a share of the profits. You need to make this a win-win situation for them. Understand that you are the one needing help, not them.

So when you approach them have the attitude of how this venture can benefit them and not you.
Tell them that you think your product would be a valuable benefit for their customers. Give them a FREE copy of your e-book or your product to let them see for themselves. Make sure that you provide all of the marketing materials they will need, like ezine ads, articles, text links, and banners.

Most importantly, make it worth their time by giving them a minimum of 50% of the profits for utilizing their list. You need to understand that their list is the heart and soul of their business and that they will only recommend products to their customers that they feel will benefit them. As a list owner you can not afford to risk your reputation on low quality products.

A joint venture is a great way to jumpstart your sales and will lead to more profitable joint ventures in the future!
3. Give Something Away to Profit in the Future - One of the best ways to secure huge amounts of profits is to give something away to your web site visitors.

This does two things, the first, it is a great way to get their trust and secondly, by giving them a taste of what you have to offer many of them will end up buying the whole meal.
A great technique to use, especially if you have an information product like an e-book, is to give away a free report or mini-course related to the topic of your information product.

This will allow you to get their email address so you can send them follow up emails promoting your product, or other people's products like in example 1. You are also building a list of people that have an interest in your niche market. If they like your material they will come back for more!

So give away a free email report or mini-course, you can even put links to your products or affiliate products in the free report, so it becomes an income stream. If you will give away something to get their interests peaked and their trust heightened it will lead to greater sales in the near future.
In closing, you can put these simple but powerful techniques to work for you and begin earning money online overnight. They are not hard it just takes a little gumption to get started. When you see the results start rolling in you will realize it was worth the effort.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

29,30 August ko Eid ka Chand dekny k liye click here...

Moon Phases Of Aug 2011

For online Moon Phases

Why does the Moon have phases

The Moon has phases because it orbits Earth, which causes the portion we see illuminated to change. The Moon takes 27.3 days to orbit Earth, but the lunar phase cycle (from new Moon to new Moon) is 29.5 days. The Moon spends the extra 2.2 days "catching up" because Earth travels about 45 million miles around the Sun during the time the Moon completes one orbit around Earth.
At the new Moon phase, the Moon is so close to the Sun in the sky that none of the side facing Earth is illuminated (position 1 in illustration). In other words, the Moon is between Earth and Sun. At first quarter, the half-lit Moon is highest in the sky at sunset, then sets about six hours later (3). At full Moon, the Moon is behind Earth in space with respect to the Sun. As the Sun sets, the Moon rises with the side that faces Earth fully exposed to sunlight (5).
You can create a mockup of the relationship between Sun, Earth, and Moon using a bright lamp, a basketball, and a baseball. Mark a spot on the basketball, which represents you as an observer on Earth, then play with various alignments of Earth and Moon in the light of your imaginary Sun.

When is the Harvest Moon?

The full Moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox is commonly referred to as the "Harvest Moon," since its bright presence in the night sky allows farmers to work longer into the fall night, reaping the rewards of their spring and summer labors. Because the equinox always falls in late September, it is generally a full Moon in September which is given this name, although in some years the full Moon of early October earns the "harvest" designation.
In fact, each full Moon of the year has its own name, most of which are associated with the weather or agriculture. The most common names used in North America include:
  • January -- Moon after Yule
  • February -- Snow Moon
  • March -- Sap Moon
  • April -- Grass Moon
  • May -- Planting Moon
  • June -- Honey Moon
  • July -- Thunder Moon
  • August -- Grain Moon
  • September -- Fruit Moon (or Harvest Moon)
  • October -- Hunter's Moon (or Harvest Moon)
  • November -- Frosty Moon
  • December -- Moon before Yule

What is a Blue Moon and when is the next one?

Because the time between two full Moons doesn't quite equal a whole month, approximately every three years there are two full Moons in one calendar month. Over the past few decades, the second full Moon has come to be known as a "blue Moon." The next time two full Moons occur in the same month (as seen from the United States) will be August 2012. The most recent "blue Moon" occurred in December 2009.
On average, there's a Blue Moon about every 33 months. Blue Moons are rare because the Moon is full every 29 and a half days, so the timing has to be just right to squeeze two full Moons into a calendar month. The timing has to be really precise to fit two Blue Moons into a single year. It can only happen on either side of February, whose 28-day span is short enough time span to have NO full Moons during the month.
The term "blue Moon" has not always been used this way, however. While the exact origin of the phrase remains unclear, it does in fact refer to a rare blue coloring of the Moon caused by high-altitude dust particles. Most sources credit this unusual event, occurring only "once in a blue moon," as the true progenitor of the colorful phrase.

Why do we always see the same side of the Moon from Earth?

The Moon always shows us the same face because Earth's gravity has slowed down the Moon's rotational speed. The Moon takes as much time to rotate once on its axis as it takes to complete one orbit of Earth. (Both are about 27.3 Earth days.) In other words, the Moon rotates enough each day to compensate for the angle it sweeps out in its orbit around Earth.
Gravitational forces between Earth and the Moon drain the pair of their rotational energy. We see the effect of the Moon in the ocean tides. Likewise, Earth's gravity creates a detectable bulge -- a 60-foot land tide -- on the Moon. Eons from now, the same sides of Earth and Moon may forever face each other, as if dancing hand in hand, though the Sun may balloon into a red giant, destroying Earth and the Moon, before this happens.

When does the young Moon first become visible in the evening sky?

There is no real formula for determining the visibility of the young Moon. It depends on several factors: the angle of the ecliptic (the Moon's path across the sky) with respect to the horizon, the clarity of the sky (how much dust and pollution gunks it up), and even the keenness of the observer's eyesight.
The young Moon becomes visible to the unaided eye much earlier at times when the ecliptic is perpendicular to the horizon, and the Moon pops straight up into the sky. In these cases, it may be possible to see the Moon as little as 24 hours after it was new, although every hour beyond that greatly increases the chances of spotting it. When the ecliptic is at a low angle to the horizon, and the Moon moves almost parallel to the horizon as it rises, the Moon probably doesn't become visible until at least 36 hours past new.
The record for the earliest claimed sighting of the young crescent Moon is around 19 hours, although most experts are suspicious of any claims of times less than about 24 hours.

Current Moon Phases


Tuesday, 23 August 2011

How to create a Digital clock in C++


void draw()

int gd=0,gm;

float s;
float df;
//float angle=4.712389;
//float an=4.712389;
float anf=4.712389;

//float angle=0;
int x,y;
int q,w;
int ta,d;

float as;

int c2=0;
int count=0;
struct  time t;
float angle=4.712389+t.ti_sec*.1047198;
float an=4.712389+t.ti_min*.1047198;
anf=4.712389+t.ti_hour*5*.1047198 ;

printf("The current time is: %d: %d: %d
       t.ti_hour, t.ti_min, t.ti_sec, t.ti_hund);

cout<<"   ";


} */
outtextxy(370,440,"MADE BY :- AAYUSH AWASTHI");
outtextxy(390,460,"BCA IIIrd YEAR");



How to insert YouTube movies into PowerPoint slides...

You can insert the YouTube movies into your PowerPoint slides to express your idea or better way to communicate something.You can convey these ideas in more effective ways, if you are using movie files with your simple slides.
Follow the given steps to add YouTube movies into PowerPoint slides:
First of all download the movies and then save on your computer hard drive. Mostly movies are available in flash video file format on YouTube site. You can convert also the downloaded movies from YouTube into any common format, for example, windows media video file (wmv), windows video file (avi) and movie file (mpeg).
First of all open the presentation in which you want to insert movie file.

Now click on "Movies and Sounds" option from the Insert" menu and choose the option "Movie from File".
Now select your movie that you want to insert into slide and click on Ok button.
Here now you are asked "Do you want your movie to play automatically in the slide show? If not, it will play when you click it."
Recommend choosing Ok button to play automatically even if you want the movie to play when clicked.
Finally save your PowerPoint presentation and run it for test.

How to create One-Click Shutdown icon on your desktop?

You can shutdown your computer with a single click on the desktop shutdown icon. You can set the time when your computer starts the shutdown process. A simple click on shutdown icon, close the all running applications and start shutting down properly after predefined time. This tip is very useful to save energy and time. After the execution of this command, a small window will appear to start count time of system shutdown.

Follow the given steps to create the shutdown icon:
To create a new shortcut, right click on any empty area of your desktop and go to New then Shortcut.
Now a small windows dialog box will appear with the title “Create Windows”. In the “Create Shortcut” window, type the following command.
SHUTDOWN -s -t 30

Here t 30 mean time in second, for example if you want your computer will shutdown automatically after half minute then the command will be shutdown -s -t 30.
Click Next button to type the name of this shortcut and press Finish to close it.
At the end, when you click on shutdown icon, a windows dialog box will appear with the information” This system is shutting down. Please save all work in progress and log off. Any unsaved changes will be lost. This shutdown was initiated by administrator”.

How to accept Track changes in Microsoft Word 2010?

Track changes" is wonderful and remarkable tool of Microsoft Word 2010. The feature allows editing your documents without making the changes permanent. It means if you have deleted a word, Track back highlights it, though the word is deleted but until final changes are accepted, it remains there. A track change is very helpful when you are working on draft that needs extra care. For Example you are working your project and you are not sure whether changes you made are right and you want to take your professors/superiors opinion.
Today the world has become global village, now virtual teams sitting in different parts of world are working on same projects. They need to communicate, they suggest prose and finalize things, track changes help them to make changes or send suggestions to other members.
One can delete, add, comment or make formatting changes by using it.
Open desired word document you wish to apply track changes.
2.       Go to Review Tab, under "Tracking" Group, click on track changes. It will change to orange colour, that means feature has "turned on". 
3.       Take the cursor to where you want to save changes and type, you will see colour of the text will different. It means that changes you are making are not permanent.  
4.       Go to "Tracking Group" and click on "Show Markup", choose "Balloons" and Click on your desired settings how you want to show your changes. Either you want to show your changes/Revisions in Balloons, with in your document or show only comments and Formatting in Balloons. 
5.       Go to "Comments" Group, under Review tab, click "New comment" where you want to insert a comment, leave a note or ask question.  
6.       Go to the Review Group, click on the Reviewing pane and choose either vertical or horizontal settings to carefully go through your document. OR go through them one by one by choosing "Next" or "Previous" from "Changes" Group.  
7.       Click on "Accept or Reject" from "Changes Group" to tell programme whether you want to keep or permanently delete a change.  
Go to the "File Menu" and "Save" all changes that you made in your document.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

PDF to Word Online — 100% Free PDF Converter to Word Format

PDF to Word Online — 100% Free PDF Converter to Word Format

This is the best PDF converter I have ever used.The PDFs were created in Indesign — very complex — huge numbers of images, columns etc. Your converter worked perfectly and facilated text editing. I have tried many - like Nuance, etc. This is one of the cheapest but its the best of around 5 I have downloaded and tested."
- Kevin C, CleverShow Corp.

Download NVIDIA Forceware 280.26 WHQL XP

Download NVIDIA Forceware 280.26 WHQL XP

NVIDIA Forceware 280.26 WHQL XP

NVIDIA Corporation - 79.36MB (Freeware)

NVIDIA ForceWare software unleashes the full power and features in NVIDIA's desktop, gaming, platform, workstation, laptop, multimedia, and mobile products. Delivering a proven record of compatibility, reliability, and stability with the widest range of games and applications, ForceWare software ensures the best experience with your NVIDIA hardware.
  • Incredible 3D and video performance for all of your applications.
  • Rock-solid system stability, greater compatibility, and reliability with NVIDIA Unified Driver Architecture (UDA).
  • Industry-leading features for graphics, audio, video, communications, storage, and security.
  • Robust product support for over ten unique operating systems.
  • Continual product performance and feature updates for the life of your NVIDIA hardware.
This software requires Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 2003 Server.
Download NVIDIA Forceware 280.26 WHQL XP

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Purse Chor !!!! Very Very Funny

Download NVIDIA Forceware 280.26 WHQL Vista

Download NVIDIA Forceware 280.26 WHQL Vista

NVIDIA Forceware 280.26 WHQL Vista

NVIDIA Corporation - 100.84MB (Freeware)
Download NVIDIA Forceware 280.26 WHQL Vista -

NVIDIA ForceWare software unleashes the full power and features in NVIDIA's desktop, gaming, platform, workstation, laptop, multimedia, and mobile products. Delivering a proven record of compatibility, reliability, and stability with the widest range of games and applications, ForceWare software ensures the best experience with your NVIDIA hardware.
  • Incredible 3D and video performance for all of your applications.
  • Rock-solid system stability, greater compatibility, and reliability with NVIDIA Unified Driver Architecture (UDA).
  • Industry-leading features for graphics, audio, video, communications, storage, and security.
  • Robust product support for over ten unique operating systems.
  • Continual product performance and feature updates for the life of your NVIDIA hardware.
This software requires Windows Vista.

Download TeamSpeak Client 3.0.0 (32-bit)

Download TeamSpeak Client 3.0.0 (32-bit) -

TeamSpeak is flexible, powerful, scalable software which enables people to speak with one another over the Internet. TeamSpeak consists of both client and server software. The server acts as a host to multiple client connections, capable of handling literally thousands of simultaneous users.
  • Address book for easier management of multiple TeamSpeak servers
  • Create multiple channels and sub-channels for your users
  • Moderate channels for more control when hosting large group meetings
  • Whisper functions so you can speak privately to inidividuals, groups of persons, or users in other channels
This is the 32-bit version of the client.

Download Windows 7 Codecs 3.0.2

Download Windows 7 Codecs 3.0.2 -

All the codecs you need for Windows 7 to play AVIs, DVDs and more!

It does not contain a media player and it does not associate file-types. With the Windows 7 codec package installed you will be able to use any media player, limited only by the players' capabilities, to play all movies and video clips. Streaming video is supported in several formats in all popular web browsers. Users of the Windows 7 media center codecs have the ability to choose what is installed and where to install it using the public redistributable. After installation you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. You can also re-add the removed items at any time.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

23 of the Best Free Web Services

23 of the Best Free Web Services

The best things in life are free. The great paradox of internet marketing is that there are millions of info-products on the subject and yet all internet marketers will agree that the best tools are their disposal are free ones!
If you want to do internet marketing, blogging or any sort of activity on the internet I would always urge you to try the free option and do it yourself. People who spend money in this area nearly always regret it. So, let’s get going and put away the check book!

1. Google Analytics

Google, you will not be surprised, is the chief supplier of good free stuff on this list and first off their internet stats pack is one of the “must haves” for all internet sites out there. Just a short bit of JavaScript in the header after signing up and shortly you’ll be able to view how many visitors you’re getting, where they’re from, how many pages they viewed, how they arrived, what browser they’re using, the list is endless.
Many people like to pay for GetClicky but that is in addition to Google Analytics. Just about everyone uses GA!

2. Pingdom

If you have one main site I would recommend you head straight over to Pingdom and sign up for an account. Pingdom will tell you when your site is down immediately with a warning email. It also provides you with information of your site’s uptime and downtime for years and years to the nearest second.
You have to pay if you want more than one site monitored but for just one site this is an awesome free service.

3. Gmail and Google Apps for Business

We all know how amazing Gmail – the free email service from Google – is. But did you know you can route your email through Google’s servers ensuring 100% uptime and awesome spam filters? You have to set up an account at Google Apps for Business and change a few MX records but the 10 minutes that should take is well worth the hassle.

4. Flickr

I’m not sure how long Flickr’s dominance as the primary photo storage site is going to last given that Google has really improved Picasa and integrated it with Google+, how Flickr is a great photo sharing site with a huge 300MB a month free limit. Flickr hosts 5 billion photos and is a great place to source Creative Commons-licensed photos for credited use on websites.

5. YouTubeVimeo and TubeMogul

We all know what a great free video hosting service YouTube is. And Vimeo, although not as popular, looks better and allows you to host private videos that are viewable with a password. Uploading video can be a time consuming business, however, TubeMogul allows you to upload to a video to YouTube, Vimeo, Veoh, Metacafe, Viddler, and many more for free. And it gives you great viewing statistics from all these channels.

6. MailChimp

MailChimp is just the best free emailing service provider. They have great email templates, fantastic stats and the ability to send multiple follow-up emails (sequential auto-responders) to 2,000 subscribers for free!

7. Google Alerts

I’m trying to mix up the Google free tools here so the whole article doesn’t appear too Googley. This great services sends you emails every time Google indexes a webpage with a certain keyword in it. Great for monitoring a brand, a person’s name or any subject you are interested in. You can choose the frequency of the emails.

8. Dropbox

Dropbox is one of the best back-up tools. You can save a file to Dropbox and it will be instantly available on your computer, laptop, phone or multiple other devices. You have 2GB free – and a further 250MB if you invite someone else to join.

9. Tada-Lists

From the amazing 37 Signals, with Tada-Lists you can make lists for yourself or share them with others and tick items off as they get done – a great productivity tool.

10. and OnlyWire is a way you can send a status update to multiple social networks at the same time. WithOnlyWire you can auto-submit content to 46 top social networks – 300 submissions per month.

11. Hootsuite and Tweetdeck

Hootsuite and Tweetdeck are great Twitter apps for handling multiple accounts and scheduling messages, etc.

12. SocialOomph and

These services are great for automating Twitter. You can use SocialOomph to auto-follow people back and to auto-tweet feeds.

13. Evernote

Evernote is a sort of digital notepad. It can be used on every one of your devices for recording thoughts, text, audio, video, images and links.

14. CloudFlare

Make your site faster and more secure in 5 minutes with CloudFlare – you’ll have to change your names servers though. This site loads through CloudFlare and I have noticed an increase in speed.

15. PageSpeed and Y!Slow

Speed up your website by working out where the delays come from with these two extensions

16. lets you effortlessly keep a record of what you listen to from any player and recommends more music based on your taste.

17. Google Docs

An amazingly powerful resource offering the ability to create documents, spreadsheets, slideshows and forms both privately and publicly. You can canvas opinion by creating a form and collating the results. Leo Babauta recently wrote a book in Google Docs inviting anyone to edit it in real time.

18. YouSendIt

YouSendIt is the most popular and secure online file sharing site that allows you to easily send large files.

19. DaFont and WhatTheFont

DaFont is the best place to pick up free fonts. It’s especially good for quirky and retro typefaces.WhatTheFont can identify a font from an image, although I have to say it’s never worked when I’ve tried it!

20. PDF995

There are many PDF creation websites out there – this is one of the best.

21. HARO Help A Reporter Out

Want some free publicity? Sign up for the 3-times daily newsletter and scour it for topics that you know something about and the next thing you know you’re being interviewed by a radio station somewhere.

22. Online image editors

If you don’t have Photoshop there are scores and scores of great free online photo editors out there that give you filters, layers and effect galore! FotoFlexer and Pixlr being two of the best.

23. Free images

There are loads of great places to get free stock imagerystock.xchage and Flickr Creative Comms search are two of my favorites.