Thursday, 12 February 2015

Software Engineering (FYP Project Idea's )

Project Idea No. 1: Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks to Create a Learning Robot.
The objective: As artificial intelligence continues to improve, artificial neural networks (ANN) are on the cutting edge. An ANN simulates a biological neural network using a mathematical model. The network consists of interconnected neurons. The problem with ANNs is that while they are able to find patterns in a set of data, they need a set of data to be trained on before they are useful. In the real world the data is not always available. The goal was to design a program that would be able to create a set of data for the network to be trained on by making mistakes and using them as experiences.


The platform used consists of a simple tank-style chassis, ultra-sonic distance sensor, accelerometer, and control electronics. The code is run on a Gumstix Verdex XL6P Pro which is an embedded Linux computer. It was chosen as it has enough power to run the code in real time.


When the robot is first powered on it only knows how to drive forward. After a few short minutes of driving, crashing, and learning, it is apparent that the robot has learned to navigate around walls and other obstacles. During some sessions the robot performs better than others, it just depends on what solutions it finds and in what order. However, overall the robot performs very well.


As these results indicate, this approach for training and running artificial neural networks shows potential in applications where human-like behavior is desired, such as in video game's AI. This method seems to be only limited by the ability to detect failures and to determine what should have happened.

This project is to explore a method for adding human-like learning to robots.
Project Idea No. 2:   Virtual Office Management


This system is designed for performing various activities in an organization such as maintaining employees where about's, bulletin board, reservation facility for training and meeting rooms.

Virtual Office Management displays employee details with timestamp for each group ,bulletin board for realizing higher productivity and more convenience, facility reservation for making and confirming reservation of meeting and training for company /group ,customizable holiday settings ,task management system for individual and group for co-ordinalizing and managing the task of all members with different options including deadline, priority for each to do item and online e-forum allowing everyone to join anywhere over the intranet. Virtual Office Management is using JSP(Java Server Pages) as the server side scripting language, JavaScript for client side data validations, HTML for data display and MS Access as the database to store the various information such as employee information ,reservation information etc.

Project Idea No. 3:   SMS Based Student Intimation


This Project deals with development of education services based on Short Message Service (SMS). Here the student is intimated about any information /notification through SMS. He can also know his test scores, enrollment information etc. by this service.

The university as a educational organization has a lot of valuable information which can be provided to the students, such as release of results/Test-Scores, Enrollment information, University notifications, Internship opportunity and Parent alerts. Etc. by sending an SMS. This reduces the manual work to much extent. Here SMS can be sent in a group by the college or a single student. The student can also use the service but he has to pay some amount for utilizing this. Authenticated student is only allowed to make use of this service.


Module 1:

In this module students will create their account and then register any course and once the account is created he will be authenticated to view the services provided by the University.

Module 2:

In this module the University provides a lot of valuable information to the students, such as:
1) Results/Test-Scores.
2) Enrollment information.
3) University notifications.
4) Internship opportunity and
5) Parent alerts. etc.

Module 3:

This Module has the facility of sending SMS only to a single student or group of students depending upon the requirement. If any notification has to be sent by the university to the students then it can be sent in a group form.

Module 4:

In this module the student request for any particular service then the SMS server replies to only that particular student. With this students can get the information more easily and faster. To use this service student has to pay to the university through the website.
SMS server will check the ID and password and compare to the student database. If the ID and password are correct, server will check user's balance. If there is enough balance, server will check the answer based on user's request. The answer will be sent to the user and the user's balance will be deducted

Proposed System:

Objectives of the Proposed System

    To generate the quick reports
    To make accuracy and efficient calculations
    To provide proper information briefly
    To provide data security
    To provide huge maintenance of records
    Flexibility of transactions can be completed in time

After understanding the existing system and understanding the need for developing a new system different people involved in the related activities have been consulted. The data needed for the study has been collected from company records.

The computerization of this system would avoid the wrong interpretation and bad calculation of data .The system help the user to see any documents, source code, tasks, activities, team information with details at the click of a button. The record data is maintained and backed up such a way that data is not loss. The speed of the system could also increased.

Hardware Requirements:

    Intel P4 1.5GHz or above
    512MB RAM
    80GB HDD Minimum

Software Requirements:


Project Idea No. 4:   Medical Image Compression


Image Compression is a process that involves transform a image from one form to another form. compression is used to minimize the size of image. Medical images are stored to study the case history of the patient. They take large disk space for the management to store. By the method of "Medical image compression" we reduce the disc space used by medical images ,without loss of information.

Image is decomposed into Spatial Orientation Tree (SOT) by using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) transformation and applied Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) algorithm to compress the image. The compressed image is stored as a file with extension of .cmp The compressed file is de-compressed into Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (I-DWT) forms and saved as BITMAP image, by applying vector encoding technique.


    Operating System : Windows 2000/xp
    Jdk 1.5.0;


    Processor : Pentium III/AMD Athlone XP
    RAM : 128 MB
    Hard disk : 20 GB
    FDD : 1.44MB
    Monitor : 14 inch
    Mouse : 3 Button scroll
    CD Drive : 52 X
    Keyboard : 108 keys

Project Idea No. 5:  Enterprise Security Services


Verification and Validation is a part of S/W Quality Assurance. Verification refers to the set of activities that ensure correctly implements a specific function. Validation refers to a different set of activities that ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements.

Verification:" Are we building the product right"

Validation: "Are we building the right product"

The project entitled Independent Project Metrics is an effort, to develop a tool to manage the Verification and Validation process.

The specific purpose of the Independent Verification and Validation Process o f Project Metrics Tool is to bring out the various Verification and validation tasks to be performed. The scope of the Project Metrics is to cover the developed for system.

The goals of the V&V effort is to ensure that the software and the documents are developed are of high quality as expected from any mission critical software. This project generates the plan for Verification and validation process. This project maintain the document names, source code module names, version number, released date, receiving date size of document and source code modules of receiving projects for Verification and validation.

Using this application we assign the tasks/activities to different persons and also calculate the expected efforts and actual efforts. The V&V co-coordinator does this work. This application is used Relational Software Project Solutions

Proposed System:

The general description gives an "executive overview" and is very client-oriented. It expounds on the functional and data requirements of the application. It also lists the limitations, assumptions and dependencies of the application. It also touches on the performance and quality requirements of the application and provides a solid definition of the interface

The computerization of this system would avoid the wrong interpretation and bad calculation of data .The system help the user to see any documents, source code, tasks, activities, team information with details at the click of a button. The record data is maintained and backed up such a way that data is not loss. The speed of the system could also increased

Hardware Requirements :

    Intel P4 1.5GHz or above
    512MB RAM
    80GB HDD Minimum

Software Requirements :

    Operating System : Windows XP or Higher
    IDE : VisualStudio.NET 2005/2008
    Front End : ASP.NET
    Language : C#.NET
    Database : Sqlserver 2000/ 2005
Project Idea No. 6:  Friend Mapper on Mobiles


In current system, in order to find out the location of friends, user need to call and ask friend about his where abouts. The proposed system will help user to find out friends locations as well as the distance from user’s location. The proposed system will also allow user to see all friends on Google map as well.


The application “Friend Locator on Mobiles” solves all these problems. It offers below services

1. Allows user to select friend for his location updates.
2. Uploads user’s current location at specific frequency.
3. Get friends current location
4. Shows friends location on Google Map.
5. Shows distance in kilometers for friends away from user

Mobile Application:

    Android Google API.
    • GPS (for getting user’s current location)
    • GPRS (for internet connectivity between mobile and server)

Server Application:

    WCF: (Windows communication Foundation) REST service.
    REST: (Representational State Transfer protocol)

Hardware Requirements

Mobile which has below features (The app can also run on emulator)

    a. GPS
    b. GPRS
    c. Android phone

Software Requirements

    a. Android SDK 1.5 or above.
    b. Eclipse IDE
    c. VS 2008
    d. SQL Server 2000 or above

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